Divorce Scrabble Tiles

Is court mandatory when getting a divorce?

I am getting divorced, do I have to go to court?

No, you don’t. You and your spouse can settle. As a taxpayer, I want you to settle. Settling is in your best interest. I like the analogy of the judge’s options being as vast as the biggest buffet you’ve ever seen – think Vegas style. The judge can do almost anything.

However, if you settle, you and your soon to be ex can choose options that are along the spectrum of what you two know is in the best interest of the kiddos. It is almost always better to settle.

…Unless one party has been abused so much it is easy for the other party to take advantage of their mental state, then perhaps it would be better to let a judge to decide.

Having said that, some people do not want to settle. They want their proverbial “day in court;” these people are rarely willing to settle. In that case, you want a litigator at your side. At The Harding Firm, we like settling, but we also like going to court. Either way, we will pursue what you believe is in the best interest of your children and your financial future.

Make sure you have an advocate on your side.



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